How To Survive 2 Chinese New Year-SKIDROW

S  K  I  D  R  O  W
.the leading force.

proudly presents
How To Survive 2 - Chinese New Year
(c) 505 Games

23-01-2017......Release Date <-> Protection.................Steam
Action.............Game Type <-> Disk(s)....................1 DVD


Dear Survivors,

Please come and enjoy a little Chinese New Year celebration in game! In
this free DLC we have new quests, new weapons, new zombies and a mean
ole boss for ya!

This DLC includes:

- 2 new quests
- 1 boss
- 1 new melee weapon : \"Shuang gou\" double hooks
- 1 new range weapon : Traditional repeating crossbow
- 1 new hat from Chinese zombies
- 1 new hat loot on the boss
- A Chinese declension of common infected
- 2 new paper lanterns to craft to light up your camp
- 1 new recipe based on Chinese noodles


Made standalone, fully updated and includes all DLC to date!


1. Unpack the release
2. Mount or burn image
3. Install
4. Copy the cracked content from the SKIDROW folder and into the main
install folder and overwrite
5. Block the game in your firewall and mark our cracked content as
secure/trusted in your antivirus program
6. Play the game
7. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!

